10 June 2008 - The Bowl Inn, Stalisfield Green

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The Bowl Inn is a delightful country pub situated on the top of the North Downs. We shared an evening stand there with our friends from Oyster Morris.

It was a pleasant, sunny evening but this meant that the band had the setting sun in their eyes as they played. They are such experts that they can play with their eyes closed anyway. The dancers performed in the road as this was the most suitable surface (and to avoid some vehicles that had been parked in unfortunate positions) and, as usual, they were capable of stopping the traffic. It's amazing what a glimpse of bloomer can do!

It was great to see Shirley and Kris again when they turned up to support us. Shirley is a former Kettle Bridge dancer who unfortunately had to retire from Kettle Bridge at the end of last season due to an injury.

As the light faded, the dancing ended and, after a drink or two, we all made our way home.

Creative Commons License
Kettle Bridge Clogs web site by Stephen Cordery is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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