15 July 2008 - The George, Trottiscliffe

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Kettle Bridge shared another evening pub stand, this time with Plain Capers, a Cotswold side. The venue was The George Inn at Trottiscliffe (pronounced Troz-lee).

The dancing surface was on rather a slope but the dancers coped very well with this. They also managed to avoid the parked cars and the skip! As usual, the weather was very kind to us and we enjoyed a pleasant warm summer's evening.

The standard repertoire of dances included Cossington where, at the end, the dancers go off in various directions. In a well-choreographed fashion all the dancers went off down the hill - except one who somehow seemed to be heading for the bar! Old habits, I suppose.

The stand culminated in our signature Yellow Rose dance, performed with all the usual gusto. A fitting finale to a fine evening's entertainment.

Creative Commons License
Kettle Bridge Clogs web site by Stephen Cordery is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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