20 July 2008 - Riverview Infants School Summer Fair

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After last year's successful stand, Riverview Infant School in Gravesend invited us back to participate in their Summer Fair once again.

The weather was rather dodgy but the rain held off long enough for us to do our first stand, welcoming in the visitors to the event. This culminated in the ever-popular Churchtown, which gave the audience a chance to join in. They all seemed to enjoy themselves.

As we finished, the rain started and many of the dancers took refuge in the most convenient location which just happened to be the beer tent! There's a surprise.

The rain relented and the fun continued. There was a demonstration of Bhangra dancing from the children which was followed by an "anyone can join in" session. Inevitably, a Kettle Bridge contingent had a go and did themselves proud. Well done to Margaret, Val and Sue.

Our second stand was near the end of the day by which time the crowds were drifting home. Despite the lack of audience, Kettle Bridge gave a professional performance to round off the day.

Thanks go to all the side's supporters who turned up, especially Tricia who has recently had to miss several events but we hope she is back dancing soon.

Creative Commons License
Kettle Bridge Clogs web site by Stephen Cordery is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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