23 July 2008 - The Bull, Barming

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Our "home turf" stand at The Bull in Barming was shared with Wadard Morris Men from North West Kent.

It was good to see a fair number of supporters including Karen, our Assistant Secretary, who has had a year off from dancing to concentrate on her studies. The lure of the dance was too much to resist, however, and she was "persuaded" to join in with the side's performance of Horbury. Karen showed that she has not lost it (whatever it was she had).

There was an unwelcome interruption to the event when a firework appeared to be thrown towards us, apparently from a passing car. No-one was injured so we carried on regardless.

A more pleasant distraction occurred when a bus stopped right by where we were performing. Pip, our resident bus driver, leapt on board to chat to his colleague. I assume he was trying to drum up some support from the passengers. No wonder the buses don't run to time!

The final dance from our Wadard friends was an "all in" affair which Kettle Bridge joined in with. An enjoyable way to finish the stand.
Apologies for the quality of the photographs, but the light was fading fast.

Creative Commons License
Kettle Bridge Clogs web site by Stephen Cordery is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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