20 July 2013 - Loose Village Folk Day

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Kettle Bridge were pleased to be invited to the inaugural Loose Village Folk and Buskers day. The weather was rather cloudy with occasional drizzle but this did not dampen the enthusiasm of the participants. We were based at the Chequers Inn in the centre of the village but there were a number of performers at other strategic locations around the village.

We congregated at the pub (shame, I hear you cry) where we were joined by Judith and Henry Proctor from Anonymous Morris who were sharing our stand.

Our first stand consisted of Annie's, Colne and Marston, interspersed with some very energetic border and broom dancing from the Proctors. Henry in particular demonstrated some amazing agility and skill which swept the crowd off their feet (Broom! Broom!). To finish off the stand with a flourish, we staged an all-in Churchtown which included most of the audience who had a great time.

This was the prompt for a lunch break at the pub where the folk event continued with some live singing and recitation including some entertaining contributions from our very own Sandy.

Suitably refreshed, it was time for the second half of the proceedings. For this stand, Kettle Bridge performed Aughton, Horbury and Prescot followed by another audience participation dance. This is our take on a traditional dance called Green Stockings, our version obviously being called Fuchsia Tights. This is very easy to learn and was picked up quickly by the enthusiastic volunteers who joined in.

The final dance of the day was Cossington which is always a firm favourite as it features stirring patriotic music. That brought our involvement in proceedings to an end but it was a pleasure to contribute to what we hope will become a regular event on the local folk calendar. Thanks to all those who worked hard to plan and run the day so well.

For the press's view of the day and some more photos, please click here.

Creative Commons License
Kettle Bridge Clogs web site by Stephen Cordery is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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