20 June 2019 - West Peckham

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In Presidcot, one dancer (wearing non-standard kit and a beard) veers off in the wrong direction.
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It was a lovely sunny evening for our stand at the Swan on the Green in West Peckham with Headcorn Morris.

There were some familiar faces in the Headcorn side, so it was great to catch up with Margaret and Barbara, both former members of Kettle Bridge Clogs. It was also wonderful to see Michael and Ailsa in the audience. Michael looks fitter and healthier each time we see him.

Headcorn have both a men's and ladies' side so the rotation of three enabled everyone to have a rest and refreshment between performances.

Our first dance was Presidcot which, after a while, rather veered away from the format that we had practiced, so it ended with some interesting improvisation! Better luck next time!

Our other dances were much more successful and passed off without incident. They were Annie’s, KBC Processional, Horbury, and finally Marston. We finished just as the light was really beginning to fade.

Many thanks go to Headcorn for sharing our stand. They are always great company.

Creative Commons License
Kettle Bridge Clogs web site by Stephen Cordery is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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