Have-A-Go Evening at Ditton

Date :
Friday 14th September 2018
Time :
19:30 - 22:00
Place :
Ditton Community Centre, Kiln Barn Rd, Ditton : ME20 6AH
Maps :
51.293552, 0.454686
Notes :
Do you enjoy dancing or playing a musical instrument?
Would you like to try something a little bit different?

Kettle Bridge Clogs is holding a Have-A-Go evening at Ditton Community Centre (Don Carmen Hall) and we would be very pleased to see you there.

We are looking for dancers (female only) and musicians (male or female) to join our group so why not come along for a relaxed and fun evening?

For dancers, full tuition will be given and no previous experience is necessary. Just wear comfortable clothing and appropriate footwear such as trainers.

For musicians, just turn up and play along with the band. Music notation will be available on the evening. Free reed and brass instruments are particularly welcome.

For more details, click here to go to our Contact Page and send us a message or phone Val on 07876 194375.

Map :

Creative Commons License
Kettle Bridge Clogs web site by Stephen Cordery is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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