Hop Hoodening at Canterbury

Date :
Saturday 14th September 2019
Time :
10:30 - 16:00
Place :
Notes :
We are dancing at the Hop Hoodening celebration in Canterbury as guests of Wantsum Morris.

Timetable of Events

The schedule of the day has been published by Wantsum and is available by clicking here. The main points are reproduced below.
Meet in the Cathedral precincts (The Oaks).
Procession into the Cathedral.
Hop Hoodening service.
After the service, outside the Cathedral, each side performs one dance.
This is followed by a tour of Canterbury.
Oyster Morris, Kettle Bridge Clogs, Dead Horse Morris and the Broomdashers dance at the corner of High Street and Guildhall Street.
Oyster Morris, Kettle Bridge Clogs, Dead Horse Morris and the Broomdashers dance at the corner of Orange Street and Sun Street.
All sides meet up at the West Cornwall Pasty Company shop, 22 High Street (corner of High Street and Best Lane, opposite Prezzo).
Maps :

Process to Rose Square.
Maps :

15:00 - 16:00
Dancing display by all sides at Rose Square.


Click on the image below for a map of Canterbury.
[Map of Canterbury]

Creative Commons License
Kettle Bridge Clogs web site by Stephen Cordery is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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