7 May 2007 - Whitstable

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On Bank Holiday Monday we took part in Oyster Morris's May Day procession at Whitstable.

Our first stand was outside the library and was shared with a variety of other sides including, of course, Oyster Morris themselves. This was followed by a procession through the town to Horsebridge where each side performed another dance or two.

There was just time to enjoy a packed lunch before we continued on to the harbour, the procession led by the Jack-in-the-Green. After a sample of dances from each side in the harbour area, the procession reformed and made its way up to the castle where the traditional May Day song was sung.

Most of Kettle Bridge marked the end of a busy day by going to the local tea garden for refreshments. This was somewhat spoiled by torrential rainfall which sent us scurrying for cover and a soggy walk back to the car park.

Creative Commons License
Kettle Bridge Clogs web site by Stephen Cordery is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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