1 May 2013 - Barming Bridge

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Stand back - Morris side approaching
1 of 14

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Thankfully, the days leading up to the traditional May Day Kettle Bridge Clogs celebration were mostly dry so that there were no puddles to contend with this year. There was even some spring sunshine to greet the assembled dancers, musicians and spectators.

Bang on time, the dancers crossed the Kettle Bridge that spans the River Medway at Barming, with the band right behind them. As tradition dictates, they performed Churchtown as they made their way over "our" bridge.

The dances chosen for the subsequent stand were

  • Annie's
  • Aughton
  • Ealuscerwen
  • and Cossington
During this stand, the delicious cake that seems to appear miraculously each year was distributed to the spectators.

As usual, the last dance was an opportunity for the audience to join in and have a go at Churchtown. This they did with much enthusiasm and gusto.

Then it was time to make our way up South Street to the welcome site of The Bull in Barming. Here, birthday girl Eva was presented with her cake. It was quite a day for her as it was the first time that she had danced over the bridge but Eva can now consider herself a fully qualified member of Kettle Bridge Clogs.

Suitably refreshed, the dancers then performed

  • Milnrow
  • Saint Helens
  • and Shawforth
Then it was time to repair to the comfort of the pub to continue the festivities and bring our special day to a close.

Creative Commons License
Kettle Bridge Clogs web site by Stephen Cordery is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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