4 September 2016 - Ashford Farmers' Market

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Warming up.
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A chilly breeze welcomed us when we arrived at Ashford to entertain the shoppers who were attending the Ashford Farmers' Market.

Ashford is perhaps most known for its international railway station and designer outlet shops. However, there have been some famous people associated with the town. These include:

  • Patsy Byrne, the actress best known for playing Nursie in the BBC sitcom Blackadder II, was born in Ashford.
  • Similarly, Frederick Forsyth, author of Day of the Jackal, was born in the town.
  • The famous conductor Sir Malcolm Sargent comes from there.
  • Although not born there, Bob Holness attended Ashford Grammar School. He did really well because, as he was going into each exam, his teachers kept asking him "Can I have an 'A' please, Bob?".
Did you know that Bob Holness was probably the first actor to portray the character James Bond? He was in a 1956 radio adaptation of Moonraker.

Back to the Farmers' Market. There was a decent turn-out of stalls with plenty of foodstuffs to keep us happy. The market organiser Rachel made sure we were settled in and confirmed exactly where we would be dancing. We had agreed to do four short stands spread over the time that the market was open.

Our first stint featured Aughton 6 and Cossington and the band filled in by playing some tunes between the dances to give the dancers a chance to recover and sort out their sticks.
After a short break, we performed our second stand consisting of Sidcot, Marston 8 and Aughton 8.

Then it was time for lunch and we thoroughly enjoyed sampling the various wares on offer from the market, both sweet and savoury. There was a cider stall conveniently located next to where we were dancing but of course everyone stayed completely teetotal so as not to affect their performance!

Suitably refreshed, we did our final two stands which included performances of Churchtown, Colne 6, Cossington, Sidcot, Marston 8 and Aughton 8. Again the band did sterling work interleaving with the dancing.

And that was it! A big "thank you" goes to Michelle's family who came out to support in force and to Caroline who somehow managed to juggle her attendance with other family commitments.

Creative Commons License
Kettle Bridge Clogs web site by Stephen Cordery is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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