21 July 2011 - Benover

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There's just time to squeeze another tune in
14 of 14

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One of the first things that I usually say about Kettle Bridge events is that the weather was glorious with cloudless skies and the sun beaming down. Not this time. It was a case of sky-less clouds and the rain persisting down.

Undaunted, we gathered at the "Woolpack Inn" in Benover to meet up with Headcorn Morris.

The rain just about held off for the start of dancing with Headcorn men leading off followed by Headcorn women. Just as Kettle Bridge started their first dance, which was Prescot, the heavens opened and everyone got drenched. The musicians had to use all means at their disposal to keep their instruments dry while they played - no mean feat. The dancers just about managed to keep going but it was a very unpleasant experience. Thankfully there were no mishaps as the dancing surface became increasingly slippery.

In the second round of dancing, Kettle Bridge managed a performance of Aughton, which is appropriately nicknamed the windscreen wiper dance. The weather showed no sign of improvement, so we repaired to the inside of the pub for much-needed warmth and shelter.

Headcorn however were made of sterner stuff and continued dancing. This included a dance involving holding pint glasses of water while they performed. Any spillages were quickly replaced by the rain! Unfortunately I have no photographic record of this as I was in the pub keeping my camera dry!

Eventually even Headcorn gave up and came into the pub. As you would expect, this was the cue for much singing and playing of instruments. A good end to a rather soggy evening.

Creative Commons License
Kettle Bridge Clogs web site by Stephen Cordery is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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