7 July 2013 - Day of Dance with Ditchling

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Annie's outside the Tourist Office
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The 7th July thankfully turned out to be a delightfully hot day but with a slight cooling breeze. This was almost perfect conditions for our Day of Dance accompanied by our good friends from Ditchling Morris.

Our first stand was in our favourite spot in Tunbridge Wells, just outside the Tourist Information Office. As the dancers performed their hearts out, Tim did a sterling job with the collecting tin. Kettle Bridge danced Annie's, Colne, Marston 6, Aughton and Churchtown, alternating with Ditchling. The final dance of the stand was a combined rendition of Green Stockings which everyone seemed to enjoy - dancers and audience alike.

The second stop on the itinerary was at The Brecknock Arms, Frant. Due to the volume of performers, most of us parked on the village green. There was just time for KBC Processional and Prescot before we tucked into a well-earned ploughman's for lunch.

The final stop was at Scotney Castle where we danced just outside the restaurant near the entrance. The surface was rather gravelly but we managed to find a section of the path that was less dangerous. Part one of the stand featured KBC Processional, Prescot and Annie's. After a short break, KBC finished with Colne, Aughton and Cossington.

This brought an excellent day's dancing to an end. Many thanks to Ditchling for sharing this with us. Here's to the next time!

Creative Commons License
Kettle Bridge Clogs web site by Stephen Cordery is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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