1 May 2007 - Barming Bridge

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The traditional May Day procession across Barming Bridge (the eponymous "Kettle Bridge") took place as usual on 1st May. The weather was kind, thankfully, as Carol, in one of her first task(er)s as newly appointed Squire, led the dancers over the bridge for the first time. If she was nervous about it, it certainly didn't show.

The rain earlier in the day had left vast puddles and Ian and others had spent considerable time and effort trying to clear enough space for the dancers to perform in safety. They were successful in their endeavours but were rewarded by the band having to stand in the water themselves! The crowd was small but enthusiastic and were truly entertained by a number of standard Kettle Bridge dances.

Then it was off to the Bull for more entertainment and a drink or two.

Creative Commons License
Kettle Bridge Clogs web site by Stephen Cordery is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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